Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bloggers' Guide to Success!

There are many things to think about when writing a blog. A blog is all about your opinion on something and everyone knows that everybody has different views on things. So if you are thinking about writing blogs be ready for harsh comments or people being completely random who don't agree with you. But that is only the small bad side about blogging. Bloggers get a lot of satisfaction out of their blogs since they are able to get feedback from their readers and be able to comment back to those readers.

Step 1: Come up with a Goal for your Blog

You could come up with many different goals for your blog depending on the subject that you are writing about. For example, I blog about cars and my goal is to give my readers good general recent information about the cars and the automotive industry. I test-drive cars and write blog about my test drive describing the car as perfect as I can. Having a goal will help you get frequent readers since it keeps you from going off-subject. Another good idea is to write your goal on a paper and keep it next to your computer so every time you are about to write your blog you know what to do.

Step 2: Make Your Own and Original Voice

The voice that you take in blogs is one of the most important things in blogging. Usually a blogger's voice goes hand-in-hand with their personality. Having a nice and intelligent voice will get you a lot of audience. Then again there are bloggers who create a huge reputation and gain many readers by having an extremely critical voice. By that I mean the type of person who only likes things his or her way and no one in this world can ever make then think otherwise. It is very important to keep your voice the same throughout your blogs so the people that enjoy your blog will coma back knowing that they will enjoy reading your blog even if it is on a totally different subject.

Step 3: Coming up with Ideas

First of all you have to choose a major subject that you enjoy reading about and talking about. Then you would have to come up with ideas for each of your blogs. There are many different ways in which you can come up with ideas for your blogs. The way that I come up with ideas for my blog is that I watch either TV show or even youtube videos related to my subject. Sometimes I also read magazines or simply surfing the Internet until I find something interesting to talk about. Something else that will help you become more successful in writing blogs is that if you randomly come up with a great idea to blog about, you should always write it down anywhere so you don't forget. This happened to me a couple of times when I some awesome car would zoom by me so I would write down the cars name and later research and write about it.

Step 4: The Writing Process and Getting the Readers ATTENTION!

Now once you come up with your idea and researched it for a bit you simply start typing. The thing that will help you most to get your reader' attention is the title of your blog and your fist sentence. Make your fist sentence explain what your blog is about without giving too much detail. Write you first sentence in the way that it will basically make your reader continue reading. Once you start typing do not stop, no matter what! Even if you have a spelling error wait until you are completely finished with what you want to say before you start reviewing what you wrote. It always helps me to publish by blog first then right away read it. I do this because I want to see what my readers are going to the see and I also want to make sure that all the pictures are lined up correctly etc. Something that helps a lot in drawing attention your blog are pictures. Reader will see those pictures and most of the time they will go back to read your blog to see what you had to say.

Step 5: Include Outside Information

Its very important to include the source from where you got your information from in your blog. It also makes it easier for your reader if you place links in your blog to other websites where they can read more about the subject that you were talking about. Especially other major blogs since if you reference other blogs they will know you referenced their blog and they might reference yours which will bring you tons of readers.

Step 6: Connecting to your Audience

To make a one time reader turn into a frequent reader you have to connect to them. Mostly this done by having a good voice. But also you can connect to your audience by always replying their comments, even if it is an argument keep discussing it until you both reach an agreement. But honestly that is not always the case since there are people out there that are not open minded whats so ever. They people will curse and say horrible things if you write something that goes against their belief. But that should not scare you away from writing blogs since that is basically the sole purpose of blogging, to get feedback from other people who are interested in the same thing you are.

Dos and Don'ts

Do try to write frequently and Don't write too many at them out.
Do reply to people's comments on your blog and Don't curse at your matter what (unless they talk about your mom of coarse).
Do try to get the most recent news to write about and Don't write about things that other have already written about.
Do put pictures in your blog, they make it much more appealing to your readers.
Do always place links to your sources and Don't plagiarize!
Do always review what you wrote and Don't forget to spellcheck!

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